
This glossary contains only Quaker jargon, i.e. words used in a special sense among Quakers. Other words are ignored here because they can be found in other dictionaries and glossaries.

It is intended primarily for people interpreting or translating for a Quaker public. For a non-Quaker public the use of Quaker terminology may not be appropriate. If it is is essential to the message, in written translation an explanatory footnote may help the reader.

This glossary has drawn on the following works:

  • Ansermoz, Violette, Le culte quaker, Paris, Société religieuse des Amis, 1952
  • Ceresole, Pierre, Vivre sa vérité, Neuchâtel, La Baconnière, 1950
  • Dommen, Edouard, Les Quakers, Paris, Le Cerf, 1990
  • Etten, Henry van, George Fox et les quakers, Paris, Le Seuil, 1956
  • FWCC Section of the Americas, Glosario cuáquero-Quaker Glossary, Philadelphia, 1995
  • FWCC, Interpreting Quaker Experience-Témoignages quakers, London, 1946
  • Le Petit Robert, Paris, 1994
  • Liens, Georges (traducteur), Robert Barclay: la lumière intérieure, source de vie, Paris, éditions Dervy, 1993
  • Précis des règles de discipline chrétienne, adoptées par la Société des Amis, connus sous le nom de quakers, de Congeniés, et autres lieux environnans, Dans les années 1785, 1801 et 1807, avec une introduction et notes de Georges Liens, Luxembourg 1988
  • Quaker Faith & Practice, Britain YM 1995
  • Royston, Michael, “Réflexions sur deux notes du livre de Henry van Etten sur le quakerisme français” in Lettre des Amis nº 77, juin 2003

French-speaking Friends have less jargon than English-speaking ones; they make readier use of current language. As a result, the French–English glossary is shorter than the English–French one.

The fact that distinctly fewer comments have been received on the French–English than on the English–French glossary undoubtedly reflects the same reality.

All those who have already offered comments on the glossary deserve the thanks not only of its compiler, but especially of all its users. That having been said, the compiler is responsible for any errors, infelicities or omissions.

A glossary is never finished. Comments and suggestions about this glossary are always welcome to improve this one and keep it up to date. They can be sent directly to our contact page and also to:

Edward Dommen
100, chemin des Mollies
CH-1293 Bellevue, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 774 1884